Also, on a completely different note... I saw Mandesa (American Idol) at LAX while waiting for Suresh and Christina's plane. I was so excited to see her b/c I had been wanting to tell her how much I respect her and today I got the chance. I told her what an awesome stand she made for Christ when she sang "Shackles" on AI. She hugged me and thanked me and I, in oh so cool fashion,fumbled over my words and then tripped over her luggage ( just kidding on that last part but that would have been funny, huh!).
What an awesome blessing to have Suresh and Kristina in our home and to renew our friendship with Suresh and to establish a new friend in Kristina. I know that you will enjoy staying in their home while in India--there couldn't be a better place. I wish I would be there to see you off on Monday, but my heart and prayers go with you. Love, M
I love that you met Mandesa! I love that song-and I'm so glad she sang it! Thanks for voicing eloquently :) what many of us felt.
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