Hebrews 11:1 faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
The Memorial service for J.D. Seelam was well attended and I am sure it was very nice but I couldn�t understand what the people said during the 5.5 hours we were there. But seriously I was very honored to be invited, Mr. Seelam even requested I say a few words. Also to Mr. Seelam�s request we brought the Harvest India choir which was the highlight of the day.
We were scheduled to leave at 7am so I was dressed in a beautiful (borrowed) blue saree, hair washed and in place, coffee drank at exactly 7am. It was important that we leave ON TIME as stressed several times the day before by Suresh. And so I waited and waited. At a quarter to 8 we left although it was an hour drive and J.D. requested our presence at 8am. We arrived at 9:15 and no one noticed, so my anxiety ridden chest pains the entire way were all for nothing.
When the service finally started at around 10:45 someone decided that the rusty metal polls holding the tent up needed to be painted to look like the Indian flag. So as the choir is singing and dignitaries are coming in a man begins painting them. Only he realizes too late that there is no orange so he paints them red, white and green and they end up looking like the Italian flag. No one else thought it was funny but I got a kick out of it.
Mr. Seelam was so gracious to us. He brought us on stage to sit with all the big politicians and dignitaries and even had Suresh and Sudheer give a short message. You should have seen Suresh. He was like a LA scenester at his first Hollywood party; he kept looking over everyone�s shoulder to find the next VIP to talk with. He had a nice time and it helped to reignite old networks.
But seriously, what a miracle that we not only got to attend but were invited to attend. Mr. Seelam seems to really respect Suresh and even found out about Harvest India�s HIV/AIDS Center building projects and has offered to help as much as he can. Just the fact that he offered was nice but he followed up the next day to set a time to meet. We will be having a meeting with him on September 16 to discuss the building and operation plans for the 2 centers. God is amazing b/c up until now we had started to build (leveling the ground and building the compound wall) but we didn�t know how to proceed but God opened the door. He always does when his people step out in faith.
**********************Caution, Nonsense***************************
I mentioned it was a steamy day, right? Well, due to the steam and the huge amounts of dye they use to color their clothes I had quite the surprise when I came home. When I took off my saree I found that somehow though I was I alive it appeared that I was dead. My legs had turned blue; so blue it looked like death had set in. It was so bad I had to take a picture... Enjoy!

1 comment:
Steph, I love your honesty and frank---ness. Love the "Indian" way of doing things. Painting the poles in the middle of the ceremony. Thanks for sharing those highlights! I could just picture it...why not? of course! It's india!!!
i love you!
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