I am in Nepal! I've been here for about 5 days or so. It wasn't easy getting here either! What an adventure I have had! I first flew to Bombay to pick up my friend Ena and then we fly to Delhi. From there we had planned to fly to Kathmandu but something in my heart was telling me not to fly. But of course I didn't listen...We spent all day trying to get a flight to Kathmandu when by late afternoon we found out we couldn't fly b/c Ena didn't have proper documentation. So we went to the train station to buy tickets to Gorapor (the closest stop to the boarder but still 2 hours away). We couldn't get on that night so we had to wait till the next night. But we made the best of it and saw the sights Delhi had to offer.
The next night as we were boarding the train we realized we had been upgraded to first class and ended up sharing the entire car with only two other people. They were business men on the way to check on their cement factory in Nepal. When the train arrived in Gorapor 14 hours later the 4 of us had breakfast/lunch and shared a car to the boarder. When we reach the boarder I faced some trouble with my visa. Praise God for these men! One stayed with Ena with the car (which they wouldn't allow us to pay for) and the other one helped me talk to the immigration guys. It took over an hour but it all got worked out and we were off again.
We reached their hotel around 5ish and decided to get a room also since we missed all the buses to Kathmandu. Our two friends/guardian angels had to work so we arranged to meet for breakfast in the morning. After breakfast and some quick goodbyes Ena and I were off to Kathmandu. The road was steep, dusty, and rocky, not to mention we had Evil Canival behind the wheel. After 5 hours we had to take a break so we decided to stop at Royal Chitwan National Park. What an amazing place; we took a canoe ride and saw a rhino taking his morning bath, and (don't hate me Claire) I got to sit on an elephant as it took a bath and it sprayed me with her trunk. But that is not all, there was this baby elephant that was rubbing its bum on a post so I thought I would help him out and I started scratching him with my long nails and he wiggled all over like he was ticklish and when I would stop he would wrap his little trunk around my arm as if to ask for more. No one got a picture of it cause we were all in awe of the whole thing.
We finally got to Kathmandu after another 7 hour bus ride and although the bus ride was difficult we were thankful to have gone that way. Nepal is BEAUTIFUL and we would have missed so much if we had flown.
Ena went home yesterday and I am waiting for my visa. To get a visa is a 3 step process. Please pray that is comes quickly!
Love you--Will post pictures when I get back home--to India that is.
Ok, so I am not still in Nepal I just arrived back in Tenali last night. But I had written this posting while in Nepal and couldn't get it uploaded on the sight. So thought I would put it up now, hope you don't mind.
Love the picture!!! Don't hate you but am a tad jealous! My day with the elephant will come!!! love you!
Definitely jealous! Wow!!! Wish I could say I've done that! Love you love you!
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