Mangos are everywhere. And they are a little slice of paradise in this truckstop urinal of a country. I am not joking, as temperatures soar above 110, this place, with its complete lack of toilets and drying up riverbeds, is starting to smell worse than a port-a-potty at the county fair.
But I have mangos so that helps deal with it all.
QUICK QUESTION: What would you do? Feed it or let it die?
I have worked really hard at trying to keep my room as bug free and gecko free as possible. Granted those little lizards are adorable and I love to look at them on the walls but on the walls in someone else’s room. For their size, these little guys leave behind the biggest droppings and I just didn’t want that in my room. But the other day I found some droppings and knew somehow one had made it in.
So now my dilemma is do I let in bugs to feed Fido or do I leave him alone and maybe he will get hungry enough to leave. The problem is if he can’t get out and dies in my room than I will be the unacquainted host of an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord.
Anywhooo, let me know what ya think about that.....
And lastly, for those of you wondering if the rumor is true....YES!!! I am coming home...but just for a visit. I will arrive June 22nd and am counting the days till I get to see familiar, clean, structured places (you know, all the things I thought I would be excited to live without) and all your beautiful faces (which don’t count as the things I thought I would like to live without).
Glad you're enjoying the mangos. One of my favorite fruits... and i'm allergic! :( Cannot cannot cannot WAIT TO SEE YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE!!!!
Oh how you make me laugh--can't wait until you are home and we can have lots of laughs together. Let's see...to feed or not to feed. I vote for feeding for the next 20 days and then when you get back you'll be all rested and can deal with the situation then. Sound like a plan?? Counting the days!! Love you, Mom
i bet they have amazing mango lassis there. i seriously cannot wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm bummed that i'm going to be on the trip with my kids until June 27, but you'll probably just be getting used to things. i cannot imagine the shock of coming home after being there for so long and experiencing everything you've experienced. I'm still praying for you and i'm looking forward to sunsets at BBC!!!
love andrea
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