Monday, February 12, 2007

Hindus believe today and the next 2 days are auspicious days for marriages so they cram in as many marriages as possible. But at 2am in the morning when I was awoken by the piercing sounds of a wedding band, I thought to myself how could it get an worse than this. Well, it is now 6pm and time for the Sai Baba temple to broadcast their chantings for 2 hours. So now the temple is chanting over their 1940 staticy megaphone and the wedding band continues to play. It is like some weird battle of the bands. I kind of feel like a prisoner of war and they doing some psychological mind melt on me. Please pray for me!

.....Ok, so that was a couple of days ago ,and you know what, it wasn't that bad. For some reason the weddings only went for 24 hours. I'm thinking maybe they moved local so as not to upset the surrounding houses. Anyways, I am so glad that is over!

Love you all!!!


Wendy K. Hicks said...

You are SO funny! I could totally hear the music playing! Glad you survived. You're a warrior. LOVE YOU LOVE YOU MUCH!!!!
great job on the blog!

Unknown said...

Hey Steph! I hope you are doing well...I miss you. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about an easy bake oven ;)

Kelli Vanderburg

Bradford Productions said...

It continues to sound like you are having quite the adventure. I had intentions on coming to visit, when are you leaving?