Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Good Bye CSULB...Hello India

Well, it is day two of being unemployed and it is a little weird. I have this huge pressure on me to use every minute of the day for my preparation for India. In case you are wondering (and I know you are), I am not sleeping in; I want to maintain a schedule to insure I get everything done off my “to do” list.

My last 2 days at work were really great. My co-workers threw me a little going away party and students kept coming in up till 4:30pm Friday afternoon to say goodbye. There were so many well wishes I really felt like my time at CSULB was valued. This job has been a blessing to me from the minute I became a Grad Assistant 2 ½ years ago until the moment I had to leave. Although it is hard to leave a job you love and staff and students that love you, it was great to know that I am not running away from my life. Instead my leaving CSULB got to be a sacrifice made intentionally for Christ.

For those of you that attended my first prayer meeting held back on September 8th….THANK YOU so much for the encouragement!!! You will be glad to know that I have started drafting my support letter. There are many other things in the works but I will save those updates for the next meeting on October 12th.

Please continue to pray for my visa. The 3 month mark is October 19th.

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