Monday, July 03, 2006


So here I am again at the internet cafe. I was going to update you all on my driving experience but that will have to wait for another day as my driver John has been sweating in the car while I checked and replied to all my emails, used Yahoo Messenger to call my family 5 times (and I know they are sitting infront of the computer but their speakers are off so they can't hear me calling), and I just remembered that I forgot my disk to update my blog. So I really should wait until I can do the experience justice. Give me a couple of days and hopefully I will have internet access and all will be well! But don't hold your breathe!

Love you all & thanks for the encouragement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad that you made in to India and the pictures are great. Sorry to hear about all the insects but you will over come.

Charlie Ertl